Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's been a while

I am still alive, just busy. We finished with Cub Scout camp and Matthew did great. He climbed a 25 foot rock wall, did a little archery, and was the top shooter in BB guns. He did scout skills, arts and crafts and built a catapult. (I don't have pictures they are in Emily's camera)

I have been sewing just need to take pictures.

I also celebrated my 44th birthday on Sunday and DH and kids made it special. Matthew made me an origami dress. (he managed to find a YouTube video and copied it). I will be framing it soon. Need to keep an eye on him more when he is on the computer. Kevin and Brian made me a cake in the toaster oven (my big oven has been broken for a few months). And Emily made the card. Love those homemade cards. DH got KFC, love my chicken. It was celebrated with family doing really nothing. A great day.

I will be back with some pictures.

Take Care,



Julia said...

Glad you had such a great birthday.

Erlinda said...

Thank you Julia and I really enjoy your other blog.