Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Archery and Sewing

I have been sewing neckerchief's for the Boy Scouts. They will be going to Yellow Stone National Park in 3 weeks and some of the boys have lost theirs. We also have several new boys. Four are done, still need 9 more, I am making extras. These take a lot of time so my sewing hour is taken up and my quilt has been on hold, so has sewing for the homeless shelter. I wish I had more time to sew. The ladies in my group tell me I will have plenty of time when the kids are gone. That's True. Right now my family comes first.

This is Matthew at the Archery Range with Cub Scouts. He learned this during Cub Scout camp with smaller and cheaper equipment and then the Pack went to the Archery Range with real bows and arrows and he did great and loved it.

Over the weekend end we went to Las Cruces to take Brian to a Drum line meeting. Then we took off to El Paso, Texas. We drove around just looking at the city and showed the kids the Mexican Border. They did not realize how close the border is to us and now know why its in the news a lot.

We also got to peek into the windows of Brian's apartment. It is small and on the other side of the campus, but it will be perfect for him.

In other news, Kevin got his learners permit. So now he will be driving me around every where (pray for me). I get very nervous when the boys drive. I have also taken Emily out on a few driving lessons (she will get her permit next year). My mom gave Kevin my dad's truck (Toyota) and he is so excited to have his own vehicle. He is also is the process of looking for colleges. CSU and NMSU are on top of his list. He also got the results from his ACT test and boy he got a great score. He does not want me to post the score because he is thinking of take the test again to see if he can beat his own score.
Yesterday it rained. We had not seen that much rain in a while. It was a great site. Some of the streets (the main one's I drive on) flooded. Lucky we stayed home and enjoyed the rain. It also brought nice cool weather.
Better scoot I have a house to clean.
Take Care,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Whole lot of nothing

Not much going on. Watching the kids while they are in the pool, Softball, Tennis (ok, the kids and I are trying to teach ourselfs), sewing and guilt.

I am sewing, but feel very guilty because I am not sewing for the homeless shelter. I am sewing a quilt for me. Hope to be done with it this weekend.

At least I am sewing something. Pictures to come soon.

Take care,


Monday, June 14, 2010

Frustration and sewing

Here are the two dresses I made a few weeks ago for my Sewing Club. Because I don't know who wears them, I don't have sizes. So, I just made tie straps so the child can adjust the length.

The "Cow" dress. Size 6.

Red dress with starts. Size 2.

I missed Sewing Club this Saturday and was unable to get these delivered. I spent the day with my mom, youngest sister, aunt and uncle. We went to an indoor flea market and had a blast. I did not purchase anything. My sister found some great dishes.
This little top is causing some of the frustration. My sewing machine just did not want to work with us, spent a lot of time with my seam riper. I would like to make some shorts, but out of all the fabric I have I can't find anything to go with this hot pink. I will have to keep looking.
Size 2

As I was looking for fabric, I decided to clean up my patterns. I had tried making a McCall's top and McCall's and I don't get along (never have, don't know why I kept trying). Major frustration and waste of fabric. Sooo, I gathered all my McCall's patters and will be taking them to Sewing Club next time. Hope fully some of the ladies over there can use them.
Also, I decided to go through my fabric. I just have pieces here and there, because I don't purchase fabric for sewing (its all donated), I get it all from the Sewing Club (that's the point of the Sewing Club). I am thinking I need to go get some basic colors to help make a complete outfit, not just dresses. Also, I need some fabric for boys. Its just frustrating that I don't have pieces large enough to make what I want too.

Well I think I have cooled down a bit, so off to do some cutting of some tops like above. They don't take much fabric and great to use up the pieces I have.
Take Care,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's been a while

I am still alive, just busy. We finished with Cub Scout camp and Matthew did great. He climbed a 25 foot rock wall, did a little archery, and was the top shooter in BB guns. He did scout skills, arts and crafts and built a catapult. (I don't have pictures they are in Emily's camera)

I have been sewing just need to take pictures.

I also celebrated my 44th birthday on Sunday and DH and kids made it special. Matthew made me an origami dress. (he managed to find a YouTube video and copied it). I will be framing it soon. Need to keep an eye on him more when he is on the computer. Kevin and Brian made me a cake in the toaster oven (my big oven has been broken for a few months). And Emily made the card. Love those homemade cards. DH got KFC, love my chicken. It was celebrated with family doing really nothing. A great day.

I will be back with some pictures.

Take Care,
