Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sewing for the month

Here are the pictures of the sewing I did for the Homeless Shelter.

Align Center
A Corduroy skirt size 6.
A elastic neck top, the sleeves have elastic on the top only. Size 6.

A pair of blue pants, size 6, with the top above.

These pillows were donated to the sewing group, all I did was put the stuffing and sew them closed.

Now, these two bears were made by Matthew. He makes them once in a while. I do the faces.

This past Tuesday I taught the Cub Scouts how to sew. We made bears to donate to the homeless. I only got 2 back. Matthew's and Tr....'s, the other boys wanted to keep their bears, so I let them.

That's all the sewing I have done. Hopefully, now for Spring Break I can get some time at the machine. It's 2 weeks till the next sewing meeting. The BH homeless shelter needs smaller sizes in clothing. That should take up a lot of my smaller pieces of donated fabric.
Take Care,


Peggy said...

Love the bears. Good job boys!!!!

Julia said...

You've been busy!1 Kudos to you for teaching the boys to sew!!!