Monday, July 20, 2009

Two UFO's completed

These pictures are out of order, but you get the picture of what UFO's have been completed.

Here is the backing of the quilt below that has taken me 2 - 3 years to complete. Most of the problem was not finding a backing I liked. I finally found this one at a garage sale a few weeks back. I really liked it for this project.

And here is the quilt top. I tried to make it longer, but things did not work out so it is now a lap quilt. M fits perfect under it. E has been laying on my bed under this and reading. B is threating to take it with him to college. K said no way its will be perfect on his bed this winter. Guess I need to make 3 more. Didn't I say I won't make another quilt??

We were in Taos over the weekend. It was great to see family, but was "sweet -N- sour" trip. Only the younger ones and I went the older boys went with their dad to Las Cruces.

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