I never got back to the computer yesterday afternoon, I had kind of forgot that K was leaving for a week of camping with Boy Scouts and had to run all over getting small things he needed. He left this morning up to the Pecos Mountains. Hope they have a good time and that it does not get too cold or wet for them.
I don't know if I mentioned it, but next year I will have 3 kids in drum line (2 in high school and 1 in college). They have all been practicing here at the house and it has been a bit noisy. When they use the drum set I don't like to sew, it vibrates the machine too much, so not much sewing has been done this week. Now that K is gone I hope to sew more.

Here is E and M with their cousins on my side of the family. Can't believe how big they are all getting. Ages range from 2 to 14. Some construction is being done, but not by the kids. It will look good when it gets done.

Here is E with her godmother, my oldest sister. I think E is growing or is C shrinking?

An apron and pot holders for little Bre so she could help her grandma in the kitchen.

The above quilt I made for Bre.

The above "I spy" quilt I made for TC.
Well I better get off of here. M is going to lunch with a friend and I need to make lunch for A, E and myself. That and E wants the computer.
Take care,