Friday, July 31, 2009

Trip to UNM

Pictures from the duck pond at UNM.
The water fall at UNM. M had a great time climbing these.

Ducks with "hats" on.

Feeding some Birds.

The water fall.

Matthew and I took the day off and goofed around the duck pond and walked thru the museums. It was relaxing, the weather was cool.

Everyone in the house is getting antsy, we take Brian on Tuesday to NMSU. We are all going to miss him. I am glad he is only 3 1/2 hours away.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


To much going on. Band camp keeps me so busy and definitly tired. Its fun but a lot of work. I just relized that brian leaves to college on tuesday then we are not going to see him for a long time. I dont want him to leave. I dont know how its going to change my life but brian helps with a lot of things so im sure going to miss him a lot.



Last night I ran out of white thread in the spool. I have some in the cone, but it won't work on my machine. I also broke 2 needles sewing fleece (only 2 layers). So I quit sewing. I will do embroidery instead this week.
Would you believe we take Brian to college on Tuesday. Mixed emotions here. No wonder I can't relax.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Graduation Party

Brian the graduate.

Were up in Taos for Brian's graduation party and was it fun. A lot of food and family (some work), but it was great to be with my mom and sisters. The kids had so much fun with their cousins they did not want to come back home.


My sisters Cleo & Peggy and my cousin Norma.

The ride home was wild we saw some awesome lighting and heavy rain. Once I catch up on laundry I will post the sewing I did. Need to get off the computer now, Matthew needs to do Math-U-See as he has missed three days of timed drills.

Take care,


Friday, July 24, 2009

NO sewing

Its been a busy week so I have done nothing, but drive people around. We leave in the morning to Taos for Brian's graduation party. Hope I have enough food and invited everyone that I needed to. Its been a very stressful week hope next week gets better, never mind it won't, Brian leaves soon so no stress free days anymore. I don't know what else he needs till we get there.

Kevin & Emily have been at band camp working hard. They come home so tired.

Hoping for a good weekend.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Boy am I tired. In band camp the sun really gets to you haha. Mr. O made us do tons of running and pushups and 100 jumping jacks. Well thats not to bad, its actually easier then it sounds. But the hardest part is standing. The drumline stands up almost the whole day, we only sit for breaks and lunch. Its not to bad. I actually really like being on the drumline because we are unique and everyone respects us. Its funny because when we walk back to the band room for lunch everyone stays out of our way and lets us go first. The rule is, the drumline doesnt get in the way of people, people get in the way of us. I like high school band lots more then middle school band because everyone is pretty much friends with everyone else so there isnt to many arguements............yet =P Anyway I better go practice for tomorrow. Wish us luck, we are trying to get our show finished to perfection as soon as possible. Oh by the way in our show the drumline doesnt just play the drums, we have to play kazzoos and dress up as cowboys and gargle with water and all sorts of crazy stuff. This years show is gonna be pretty cool in a unique crazy fun kinda way haha


Monday, July 20, 2009

Two UFO's completed

These pictures are out of order, but you get the picture of what UFO's have been completed.

Here is the backing of the quilt below that has taken me 2 - 3 years to complete. Most of the problem was not finding a backing I liked. I finally found this one at a garage sale a few weeks back. I really liked it for this project.

And here is the quilt top. I tried to make it longer, but things did not work out so it is now a lap quilt. M fits perfect under it. E has been laying on my bed under this and reading. B is threating to take it with him to college. K said no way its will be perfect on his bed this winter. Guess I need to make 3 more. Didn't I say I won't make another quilt??

We were in Taos over the weekend. It was great to see family, but was "sweet -N- sour" trip. Only the younger ones and I went the older boys went with their dad to Las Cruces.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home Safe

Mr. K made it home safe and so did the other Boy Scouts. He had a good time and earned a number of badges including Wilderness Survival. He had to spend the entire night away from the camp, with only his survival kit. No sleeping bag, No tent or other shelter. He slept under a tree wrapped in his space blanket. He watched the sun go down and then come up and also saw a family of deer close to him. I am so proud of him. He came home tired, dirty and his arms covered in bug bites. He is changed - a young man, but still my baby.



Thanks mom. Ya it took me a long time to finish. But now you have to pick the background unless you like it white. Oh yeah and I changed how the comments will look when you click on it to the way you wanted it.


Love the new Header

Em, I love the header. I am proud of you.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Cooling down in the heat

This is what the little ones got this weekend. Everyday they have been in it. The temps here are in the high 90's. It is HOT and humid.
My oldest B got his braces off today. YEH!!! After 2 1/2 + years its about time. He looks good. I am glad he won't leave to college with them on.
No word from K and the rest of the Boy Scouts that went camping, so I guess they are having fun, hope its not too hot up in the mountains for them.
Me, I am trying to finish all my UFO's in the sewing room before I start anything else. Its going slow, someone needs to watch the "not so little ones" in the pool.

Take care,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer fun!!

Today we went to the park in the morning after dropping off kevin. The pictures above are of my mom on the playgorund and my little brother trying to fit in the baby swing but it doesnt really work. It was pretty funny to watch though!!
Early this morning we dropped my brother Kevin off at our church so he could go camping with his boy scout troop. They are going to the pecos mountains for a week and he is in charge because he is the senior patrol leader of their troop. He is in the back row second from the right.

This is when we went to Taos with my brothers girl friend. It was her first time there so we stopped at the rio grande gorge bridge and the above picture is my dad. My brothers girlfriend was all scared because whenever a car went on the bridge it shakes. But she will get used to it because our family goes on it all the time.

And this is a picture of me in my favorite spot in the whole world. I am in my grandparents apple tree in Taos, New Mexico. I love going to Taos. It is so much fun cuz every time I go I have an adventure haha but it usually ends up getting me into trouble.

Blankets and family

I never got back to the computer yesterday afternoon, I had kind of forgot that K was leaving for a week of camping with Boy Scouts and had to run all over getting small things he needed. He left this morning up to the Pecos Mountains. Hope they have a good time and that it does not get too cold or wet for them.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but next year I will have 3 kids in drum line (2 in high school and 1 in college). They have all been practicing here at the house and it has been a bit noisy. When they use the drum set I don't like to sew, it vibrates the machine too much, so not much sewing has been done this week. Now that K is gone I hope to sew more.

Here is E and M with their cousins on my side of the family. Can't believe how big they are all getting. Ages range from 2 to 14. Some construction is being done, but not by the kids. It will look good when it gets done.

Here is E with her godmother, my oldest sister. I think E is growing or is C shrinking?

An apron and pot holders for little Bre so she could help her grandma in the kitchen.

The above quilt I made for Bre.

The above "I spy" quilt I made for TC.
Well I better get off of here. M is going to lunch with a friend and I need to make lunch for A, E and myself. That and E wants the computer.
Take care,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hike and 4th of July

Wow, what a weekend. We spent the weekend in Taos with lots of family. Love going to Taos, but its a lot of work. Here are some pictures of the 4th of July and of M's and my hike.

I will show the pictures this afternoon of the items I made for the little ones in TX.
Still learning how to blog, but I will get it (give me time).


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Tuesday more to come.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Feeling Accomplished

ha i made a record time today.....making tortillas. I was practicing my music for band and my dad wanted me to make some fresh tortillas. I didnt want to cuz i was to busy with my music but i did it anyways. And they came out good. It only took me like 20 minutes. Usually it takes me like 45 minutes. But they went good with the dinner my mom cooked. My mom is the best cook ever. I dont know how she always makes everything come out so good. Haha i dont think shes burnt anything in her life. Oh and I finally figured out how to play my music fast on the bass drum. And this is only my third day ever playing a drum. Awesome huh?!

Fresh made pinto beans, red chili, pork carnitas, and freshly made tortillas (by em). Makes for a great dinner. Its very hot and humid, but a good dinner awaited us. Happy 4th to all. BR in TX hope your feeling better.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ok, I said in two weeks I should have 5 items made for my sewing group. Well in one afternoon I got these done. One tote bag, 1 skirt, 1 top, and a little pair of short pants for an infant. Need to iron them and add more clothes to the pile to take on 7/11.

Yesterday, while I was supposed to be cleaning out my fabric, I sewed this little number.

A little dress and purse for an 18" doll. I hope to have an Etsy shop in the fall and sell doll clothing and other things sewing related. Still in the thinking process.

I am off to sew some more.