Here is some of the sewing I have done. Not the best of pictures, I was trying to get to sewing club. I also forgot to take pictures of all the other pants I had made. At least they went to the kids at the homeless shelter. Its getting cold here so I will be
making more pants and better jackets (I hope).

This is a deep purple top.
Corduroy pants.
Corduroy pants.

Quilted fabric jacket and I tried to line it. Not a good job and not a good idea to try new things when your tired. But, it is warm and hopefully some
little girl will like it.
Take care,
I'm sure those kids will think they items are wonderful. What a sweet thing to do!
Thank you ShirleyC. All the sewing I do is for the homeless kids. I love to sew childrens clothing, just wish I had more time.
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