Here is hoping this post comes out right, Blogger is not working for me today.
Picture overload and out of order. Blogger decided in what order to put the pictures.
After graduation Kevin, Emily and I went camping with Matthew and his Cub Scout Troop. A requirement before going into Boy Scouts next year. He also has to hike 6 to 10 miles before February. We did a little over 3 on this trip and have 9 months to complete the rest.

Here everyone is eating dinner around the fire trying to keep warm. Each family was responsible for their own meals. Kevin cooked all ours Boy Scout style.

Here Matthew is eating the fish he caught and cooked over the coals himself. Now, he has had the opportunity to eat fish at his grandparents house and has always refused because he did not like fish. He now says he likes fish and ate quite a bit.

Enjoying the fire. It was a bit cold. We were there 2 nights and the first night we got rain and snow and lots of wind. Even though we had good sleeping bags and extra blankets we froze. The second night was just cold. Also learned the hard way we need a new tent.
Smaller one and new sleeping bags.

Matthew getting a lesson on cleaning the fish he caught.

This is the second fish he caught (13.5").

Kevin and Emily trying to catch something. They did not have any luck.

Learning how to remove the hook from the fish. This is Matthew's first fish to catch, ever.

Matthew's first fish. He was laying down with
nothing to do, eating oreo's and freezing, when he felt his rod leaving him. When he pulled it in there was a 12" fish. Here he is with Kevin, Travis and August and his fish.

Fishing at the dam (I can't think of where we hiked too)

Hiking in the snow.

We hiked up to the dam in the snow and hiked down in the mud and wind.

At the trail head getting ready to hike out.

Our camp site at Clear Creek near Cuba, New Mexico.
Yes, it was cold, but fun. Would I do it again (remember I was with a bunch of 10 year old boys). Yes, I would for my son. I just need better equipment and a stove I can use (Kevin will be leaving to college in the fall), Kevin did all the cooking on equipment from his Boy Scout Troop. Matthew will be in this Boys Scout Troop in February and they are short on parents to go on camping trips, so it looks like I will be going a lot (I have weekends off).
It was exciting to see Matthew catch his first 2 fish, clean, cook and eat them. He now has the fishing bug and wants me to sew him a fishing vest and take him fishing more. Which I will. I have the pattern and some fabric with fish on it, which will work till he gets a real fishing vest.
Thank you to my son Kevin for going with us and helping the boys with some Scout requirements. He also did all the cooking and drove home.
Thank you to my daughter Emily for going and being my support. Was glad for another female among all the males. She also helped her little brother out a lot by exploring the camp site with him.
Take Care,