Friday, November 11, 2011

Air Show Part II

Once you think things are going to get easy, it just gets busier and harder. Here are the rest of the pictures from the air show. They were taken by Emily who is taking a photography class at school. She did a great job.

In the last month both Emily and I have paid a visit to Urgent Care for leg problems. We are both doing better, she of course is healing faster than I am. Work is getting harder, we now have 8 special ed. kiddos. I have been coming home mentally and physically tired. I am working on getting Matthew done with Cub Scouts and into Boy Scouts. A lot of hiking and camping in the cold. There is sewing done, but no pictures yet. Emily has the camera in TX now. More on that on a separate post, when she gets back.

Hope to be back soon,

Take Care,


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thunderbird Air Show - Part 1

Pictures from the Air Show. Picture heavy, no reading. More later. Enjoy!

Take Care,


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Can't believe it's November

Not sure what happen to October, but here we are November 2nd. I have been very busy and have a lot to show you guys.

But, the most important is that I won a give away!. From Marie at Her little one reminds me so much of my Kevin. She makes lovely name pillows. She also has an Esty shop, but I do not know the name of it.

I won soft wear from Or did I? I think Emily has had more time/fun playing with it. I have been so busy, I am never home or to tired from work to do anything. That will be changing this week. I will now only be out on Tuesday nights for Cub/Boy Scouts. (I hope). Any way, we really, really like My Memories. Thank you Marie.

I will be posting pictures soon of the air show, camping with the Boy Scouts, sewing I have done for the BH kiddos and a few other events. In the mean time I will be delivering Boy Scout Pop Corn and getting Emily ready for her trip to Houston. She was one of 10 girls selected from Girl Scouts to represent New Mexico at the National Girl Scout Meeting in Houston, TX. Makes me proud, but sad, for she will be gone for 5 days. Hope she has fun and learns alot.

More tomorrow.

Take Care,
